Monday, 8 April 2013

A good day.

Depth of field - Available at Absolut Art
Acrylic on Canvas
60 x 90 cm
I'm delighted to announce that I will be represented by another Gallery, after meeting with them today. Absolut Art Gallery has a great selection of up-and-comers to Masters, beautiful works, and friendly down-to-earth gallerists. I've been meaning to exhibit with them for years, and only got around to arranging a meeting last week - in a flurry of constructive admin. (high five!)

Also, rather randomly I've been contacted about a painting mentioned in my previous blog, called 'Absence' from a buyer in Moscow, so I'm excited to see whether that will pan out - as far as I know they will be the first Russians to own a 'Kleynscheldt', so thats awesome!

AND I received a couple of wonderful comments about my work from an artist whose work I've been admiring from afar for ages - Alvin R - 
It's always great to get good feedback, but it's doubly rewarding when it comes from someone you look up to. 

So, all in all a pretty great day. How I'm supposed to get any painting done while my head is spinning, I have no idea, but I will do my best! ;) Thanks for reading these updates, and following along with my journey, it is much appreciated!

If you wish to aquire a painting of mine, please contact one of these galleries:

or email me if you have questions!

1 comment:

  1. Congratulations....much deserved. Thanks for the flattering remark. I have enthusiastically added your link to my artist list on my blog.
