Sunday, 12 January 2014

A brief summary

Officially back in the studio today - even though I never really left - this only means I'm replying to emails that I didn't get around to last week, and I actually got up early today!

In 2013:

  - I produced more work than 2012, and for the most part on a much larger scale
  - I actually entered two art competitions (to no avail)
  - Painted my first portrait in years 
  - Only participated in two group shows :(
  - But also became represented by an awesome new gallery, who sold a record number of my       work in the first month
  - My paintings and I almost appeared on TV! (this has to be mentioned, it's just too big a deal         not to!
  - I started drawing again
  - I received almost 3 times more commissions than in 2012
  - aaand I lined up some awesome things for 2014

All (except one) of the works I produced in 2013
 Except for the one incomplete leftover from 2013, this is what I produced in 2013 - and the incomplete is for my own wall, so it will doubtlessly be incomplete for quite a while!
Red 'stickers' indicate sold, NFS or commissions.

Work from 2010 and 2012 that sold in 2013

Moving on, I'm quite excited for 2014, I'm already working on the first commission of the year, (with a  couple more in the wings), sold two paintings at Everard Read last week, and got very exciting news over the weekend (nope, not pregnant) which I'll share as soon as it's finalised.
Last monday I was nervous about this year, and then everything started falling into place.

That's all for now, I've spent more time in front of the screen so far today than I have in front of my easel, so I'm off! 

Friday, 3 January 2014

Nelson Mandela: 
A tribute to our Madiba

525 x 380 mm
Pencil on 160 gsm untextured paper

More or less on the heels of the Einstein Commission, I was asked to do a drawing of Madiba. However before we had even decided on the photo, the legend passed away. Which gave the whole process a very serious air - this had to be more than just an accurate representation of our late president, it was to be a tribute, lovingly rendered and thought upon, with my main goal to capture his compassion.

This was the biggest drawing I'd ever attempted, double my usual A3 size, and as such I was looking forward to it, but also quite nervous. Usually the details are small enough that I can improvise to a degree, but in this photograph every line and pore was there, and had to be accurately depicted. It took more patience than I thought I had, but was very much satisfying in the end!

Guide sketch

The second attempt at the eyes - the first were so nervously drawn that I had to start over, 
wasting the first evening of work completely, and making me quite nervous!


Progress - (the unsightly cardboard added to my easel for stability)
The materials

The apprentice

More or less done with the face, except for final touches

The second attempt at the hair, the first attempt
dutifully erased after another wasted evening of work

Detail (and my favourite part of the drawing, the upper lip)




I struggled to avoid a little smudging while working on the jacket, but only the
guide lines were smudges, none of the final pencil strokes!


(edit) Proud owner Roan van Vuuren after the delivery!