Monday, 29 December 2014


Just a belated little update before the tiresome philosophical end-of-year review :P

First and foremost: 
The local magazine feature! Being published was a big first for this year, and having it happen twice was all kinds of exciting! I think I'll elaborate on that in a separate post, since the magazine is still available, and I suggest that you read all about it before I give you the inside scoop! (If you're not a subscriber, I know they're available at Boston's Framed Feather - or are they called Art Shopper now? - and also at Tyger Valley's CNA)

'Painting reflective surfaces' - my middle name.
I delivered 6 paintings to the Rust-en-Vrede Gallery (and might add two more) towards their Summer Sale (group show). Where members only may exhibit and buy at significantly reduced prices. But you can become a member for only R100 for the whole of 2015, so don't let that stop you! Opening night is 20 January, and sales only begin after the opening speeches - terribly exciting and all that. Looking forward to it, if I have a good January I might just make a purchase or two!
Signed, sealed and on their way to be delivered.


Merry Christmas! Had a lovely day with my parents, sibling, our respective partners, and my brother's brother-in-law, who I call 'skoon-neef' (cousin-in-law?) since we've been friends for years, and we're too lazy to figure out what our relation is now. 
Said Christmas included my mom's BEST EVER roast, delicious veggies and my sis-in-law's awe-inspiring Pavlova. And it was a refreshingly cool day - normally I associate Christmas with stifling, sweaty and feeling too full, so this was good. :) Smiles all round.

Fourthly (and finally I should think):

THE DECEMBER SPECIAL! It went SO well! The response is super encouraging, so much so that I'll do this kind of special more often, probably in June-July again I think. I got a good combination of still lifes, portraits and a pet-portrait, which should keep me busy for a while. 
At this stage I have four done, and five to go - and somewhere in-between I have to do a sweets painting for a gallery, AND a large commission, and having all of that going on is the reason why I haven't updated this blog sooner, and also the reason why I now own a white board (is that what they're called?) in the studio, since I started losing track of the what's and when's. But that's the absolute best way to go into the new year. And incidentally a great way of upsetting your friends and family, by being super busy when they actually have time.. oops.

So! Jan's four commissioned December Drawings, some marbles and a cherry triptych: These are all A3 sized drawings on A2 paper, to leave some paper for handling and that he has more options when framing.


I LOVED working on these, and I will definitely do some more in the future, any excuse to buy cherries (and consume them in record speed after photographing them) - I'm seriously considering doing some of them for galleries, as they are relatively fast and affordable. 

Ek weet nie of jy die blog lees nie, Jan, maar dit was lekker om jou te ontmoet, en ek hoop jou jaar in Bloem vlieg verby, en dan praat ons albasters in akriel! 

Next time, probably a bit of a look back at 2014, after I've found the time to figure out what I painted when and what I learned from this rollercoaster year! 

Monday, 1 December 2014

 Super Special December 

I've decided to do a December special, since I REEAAALLY enjoy drawing commissions, and I don't get to do them often enough.
For December only, A3 Drawings will be a beautiful round R1000. That is excluding shipping, and a couple of T&C's, but they're rather obvious, (e.g blurry photos don't make for detailed drawings, I can only make up detail to a point! )
If you are interested in a different size, I'm sure I'll be able to make up a great December price for that as well, and if you DO share this a couple of times and gather me some Facebook likes I might just throw in some candy or wrapping or something else discounty and super special ('cause I'm awesome that way)

If you're interested -