Wednesday, 14 January 2015

 December Drawings continued 
Michelle's Portraits

I absolutely LOVED working on these drawings! What charming kids. I've been so Blessed in that  all the photo's I had to work with for the December Drawings were amazing, great quality AND loads of personality. 
As with Layla and Zoe's double portrait in 2014, the biggest challenge with these kids' faces is not to accentuate the lines too much, to keep the skin soft and youthful, but also keep the correct details that make them who they are. I'm really proud of how these drawings came out - pity that some of the photo's are a little dodgy, my camera also died, so I'm havng to rely on my husbands phone camera (which, sad but true, is in fact a better camera than my little Nikon) and that also means I can't take photos in daylight. My own phone camera is not quite on par, all his photos end up hazy and soft, boo. 

ANYWAY. speaking of Layla and Zoe, their companion Toto sadly passed away in December, and this is my drawing of him:

You will be missed, dear Toto.

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