Monday, 30 March 2015

Almost April
 In which I profusely apologise for not updating more often

And so. Every time I think I've succumbed to chaos, it gets a little worse. Adulthood and all that. 
We had a brief medical scare earlier this year, which accounts for little painting, no blogging and rather a lot of panic. It turned out to not be serious at all, but when it concerns your own body, everything is rather serious if you ask me! And so we're still trying to get back to normal. Suffice to say I am appreciating the little things quite a bit more than I did last year :P

Update time though: 

The last of the December drawings, completed in January, of the late Toto, beloved and never forgotten.
A3, pencil on 160 gsm untextured paper

The first candies of 2015! Completed in February, it turned out rather more 'vectory' and graphic than originally planned, but I'll admit, I'm rather crushing on this painting! 
Jannie verjaar is the term we used for the 'mix-o-drink' (aanmaak koeldrank) at every childhood birthday, red, and almost tasting of strawberry or raspberry or just possibly red with soda in it. These little cheap lollies taste exactly like the red of birthdays, pool parties and sun.
Jannie verjaar
40 x 50 cm
Acrylic on Canvas
After Jannie verjaar I did a commission of running horses, not to be shared on social media, but indeed a massive learning curve! My first landscape and first animal painting all in one. And for someone who has absolutely no idea how horses work, I'm quite proud that I survived it. 

Shortly followed by this painting, which rather didn't feel like being done, and fought me for every stroke. So much so that I managed to do two other paintings in-between bouts of painting and raging at it. 
This one was particularly hard because of the properties of yellow paint, which tends to want to turn green if you so much as think about adding any other shade to it! (banana and bubblegum flavoured, much tastier than you might imagine)

Blue lolly, Yellow lolly
50 x 40 cm
Acrylic on Canvas
I'll post the two in-between paintings later this week, right now my laptop seems to be turning itself off and on of it's own volition, which isn't conducive to good blogging. And of course, I'm working on yet more lollipops as we speak, never-ending fountain of candy and all that :) And yes. I eat them all. 

Also, it has to be said, it's my dad's birthday today (60!) and I'm off to eat all the gluten free snacks my mom could conceive of! 


  1. WOW, these are really impressive, beautifully light!
