Tuesday, 14 June 2016

 Ten little soldier boys 

Ten little Soldier boys
15 x 10 cm each
Acrylic on Canvas
I made two 15 x 20 cm paintings for an upcoming group exhibition - so very small! But very satisfying to complete paintings quickly for a change.. well I say complete, but I haven't uploaded them yet, since I'm still tweaking. They are done, I just keep changing my mind about the background, it has such an impact on the foreground; shouldn't detract, but highlight and complement the tones, and subtle changes actually make a big difference. So they sit on the shelf behind my easel, waiting. But I enjoyed them enough that I bought two even smaller canvasses, a quick challenge before larger work. 
And this is the result. The first actual life size marbles I've done. (I changed the background this morning :P ) These are also the first paintings I intend to frame before showing them, just because they're so very small, and I think they would be very handsome when framed.

On Angle
In other news, the Hoepelpoep show is still on, Alex's studio will be open on the following days: 

Tuesday (14th) until 4pm
Wednesday (15th) 9am to 2pm
Friday (17th) 9am to 4pm
Monday (20th) 9am to 4pm
Tuesday (21st) 9am to 4pm
And the RSG (Radio Sonder Grense, roughly translates as 'radio without borders') interview is tonight at 8pm, but you can be a sneaky bum like me and listen to it on their site, here: Marike Potgooi

I really do prefer putting my thoughts into images above trying to put my images into words!

On the easel today: All that glitters, about two days in. 

I took a bunch of reference photos last week, and this time I used natural light from the right, and a yellow desk lamp from the left, so I have even more exciting tones to work with (The ten little soldiers reference photos were also taken last week, but I think the paintings are so small, it doesn't really show) 
I don't usually start a painting with such a neat background, this is a cover-up, and only because I needed a certain size canvas, couldn't find a new one on the same day, and the half-done painting on this canvas just didn't excite me. The reddish background will probably change, I'm thinking something between this and caramel, but who knows what will happen, depends on what colours end up in the wrappers.

That's all for now, happy painting! :)

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