Monday, 11 March 2013

Hopes, and Fears

Hopes, and Fears
Acrylic on wood
20 x 20 cm

 It can be terribly hard to decide what to paint next. Especially if you're trapped in-between worlds like I usually am, I need to paint something I'm passionate about, and I desperately need to sell it.

Being told what to do often helps. 
These paintings were done for a Group Exhibition in 2010, themed 'BALJAAR'.' Baljaar' can't be translated to english, but loosely means a frivolous, childlike play, playing with abandon, and the theme was chosen for a Afrikaans festival because it is such a unique afrikaans word. We had to work on 20 x 20 cm wood circles, and do something inspired by the theme, but those were the only parameters.
 I found this wonderfully hard, because I had to out-think and outshine all the other exhibitors, without having a clue what their ideas would be or how good their work was, but convinced that they would be better than mine. And the pressure I put on myself got me to possibly one of my best concepts to date. In each painting I would combine adult 'baljaar' with kiddie 'baljaar', and inevitably bad vs. good. 

I drew on my own experience, things that affected me when I was a child, or things that I did as a young adult that would affect the child Marike. This is the only range I ever did that focused more on concept than execution. And one of the most successful. (which might lead you to think that I should do that more often, but one does not simply think up great concepts every other day!)
 I 'accidentally' sold a bunch of the paintings at the exhibition (I was the only person who did) and was told that I quickly had to do a bunch more, as the work was being exhibited again, and I had to have the same amount of paintings as the rest of the artists. Which was a great complement! The works that weren't bought by acquaintances after the exhibitions, were bought as a group by a local curator. So all in all, a pretty good run. 

My work always has a underlying theme, it really helps me to stay focused, even when I do simple still lifes, I keep my theme in mind, to me its always personal. But except for the occasional commission, I don't get told what to do, and its a bit of a pity. A little restriction can really get you thinking outside the box, and produce work that you yourself never expected.

My en Panna se piekniek
Oupa Pieter
Pa Kleintyd
Durbanville '98

20 Feb 2010
Ek en Helene, Vida
Eerstejaars party
Ma kleintyd
Rouan en Anton
Die vliegtuigparkie

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