Thursday, 1 September 2016

 Spring is sprung! 

All that Glistens  |  40 x 30 cm  |  Acrylic on Canvas
Enough time has passed since completion that I can honestly say I like this painting. 
It was a cover-up, so I was working on quite a bit of texture, and I think that's part of what I like about it, it's a little less refined, the finest detail doesn't come close to that of 'Revisited' (below) but there's something a little magical about it. This was after (and sort of 'while') I was doing all those 15 x 20 cm paintings, so it felt quite large. 

And I hope you noticed those purple and blue shadows.. 'cause they kind of blend in, but MAN were they outside my comfort zone! *Now that I think of it, that's probably why I feel that magic, I challenged myself - AND managed to keep the challenging thing in the painting, that doesn't always happen!. 

All that Glistens - detail, angle
 And this is Revisited:

Revisited (RGB)  |  30 x 21 cm  |  Acrylic on Canvas
Revisited - detail, angle
Does it look familiar? It was a little ode to this guy:

Cause well I've always liked the layout, and I thought I'd revisit it. Only waaayyyyy smaller. think life size marbles instead of dinner plate sized.. And again some blueish shadows - possibly the first time I've done shadows behind an object. 
And also about 6 background colour changes. With this one I wanted to see if I could pull off a background similar to the main object's colour, close but different enough that it still pops. (Turns out that's really tricky)

I'm working on a commission that I can't show on here, been busy with it for about 3 weeks, and it's absolutely murderously hard. And it's not sweets in foil, which is sad isn't it. But I have that to look forward to, so that's nice.
And I had a pretty amazing spring day in terms of sales, but until it's all finalised I guess I'll be all mysterious and vague about it :P

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